โ€“๐Ÿงฟโ€“ Listen up. Now is the time. Our TrailHeadz community is up and running. That’s right. You can now receive a bi-monthly review of races, trails and other Onewheel racing events and opportunities across the globe STRAIGHT. IN. YOUR. INBOX.

By becoming a TrailHeadz Founding Member you’ll also be entitled to really dope exclusive promotions and discounts from our partners and affiliates. And….. You will also receive the Founding Member badge ๐Ÿ on any and all of our community hang-outs (Discord, Instagram, Messenger, Hermes, etc…)

There will be a hard limit on the number of TrailHeadz founding members we will take on. No mรกs. Ce’fini. Finito! Donezo.

So don’t overthink it dude. You’ll miss out on all the fun. I promise. Join now.

Till we shred again,

Your friend,

Shreddie Van Halen

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